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oracle initrans and maxtrans

SQL> select * from v$version;

Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE       Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

SQL> create table testinit(id number)
2  initrans 1;


SQL> select table_name,ini_trans,max_trans from user_tables  where table_name='TESTINIT';

TABLE_NAME                      INI_TRANS  MAX_TRANS
------------------------------ ---------- ----------
TESTINIT                                1        255

SQL> drop table testinit;


SQL> create table testinit(id number)  initrans 3;


SQL> select table_name,ini_trans,max_trans from user_tables
2  where table_name='TESTINIT';

TABLE_NAME                      INI_TRANS  MAX_TRANS
------------------------------ ---------- ----------
TESTINIT                                3        255

SQL> create table testmax(id number)   maxtrans 100;


SQL> select table_name,ini_trans,max_trans from user_tables    where table_name='TESTMAX';

TABLE_NAME                      INI_TRANS  MAX_TRANS
------------------------------ ---------- ----------
TESTMAX                                 1        100

SQL> drop table testmax ;


SQL> create table testmax(id number)   maxtrans 256;
maxtrans 256
第 2 行出现错误:
ORA-02209: 无效的 MAXTRANS 选项值


SQL> select * from v$version;

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE      Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

SQL> create table testinit(id int)
2  initrans 1;


SQL> select table_name,ini_trans,max_trans from user_tables  where table_name='TESTINIT';

TABLE_NAME                      INI_TRANS  MAX_TRANS
------------------------------ ---------- ----------
TESTINIT                                1        255

SQL> drop table testinit purge;


SQL> create table testinit(id number)  initrans 3;


SQL> select table_name,ini_trans,max_trans from user_tables  where table_name='TESTINIT';

TABLE_NAME                      INI_TRANS  MAX_TRANS
------------------------------ ---------- ----------
TESTINIT                                3        255

SQL> create table testmax(id number)   maxtrans 100;


SQL> select table_name,ini_trans,max_trans from user_tables  where table_name='TESTINIT';

TABLE_NAME                      INI_TRANS  MAX_TRANS
------------------------------ ---------- ----------
TESTINIT                                3        255

SQL> drop table testmax purge;


SQL> create table testmax(id number)   maxtrans 256;
create table testmax(id number)   maxtrans 256
第 1 行出现错误:
ORA-02209: 无效的 MAXTRANS 选项值


In earlier releases of Oracle Database, the MAXTRANS parameter limited the number of transaction entries that could concurrently use data in a data block. This parameter has been deprecated.

Oracle Database now automatically allows up to 255 concurrent update transactions for any data block, depending on the available space in the block.
The database ignores MAXTRANS when specified by users only for new objects created when the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is set to 10.0 or greater.

也就是说从Oracle10g开始,对于单个数据块,Oracle缺省最大支持255个并发,MAXTRANS参数被废弃,无论你是否指定,11G中initrans 默认为3,9i是默认为1,这也是oracle 一直在需要一个平衡点。



  1. Namari | #1
    2011-06-23 at 06:59

    Wow! That’s a really neat aswenr!

    • Berlynn | #2
      2011-09-02 at 23:52

      Yo, good looikn out! Gonna make it work now.

      • Kalyn | #3
        2011-11-11 at 13:09

        Wow I must confess you make some very trenchant ptoins.

    • Janine | #4
      2011-09-03 at 04:45

      Hecvkua good job. I sure appreciate it.

      • Kaden | #5
        2011-11-11 at 22:13

        I told my kids we’d play after I found what I ndeeed. Damnit.

  2. Susannah | #6
    2011-06-22 at 14:11

    Thanks for sharing. Always good to find a real exrpet.

    • Keiwan | #7
      2011-09-03 at 19:34

      Great common sense here. Wish I’d thuhogt of that.

      • Wind | #8
        2011-11-11 at 14:53

        If I were a Teegnae Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say “Kowabunga, dude!”

  3. fan | #9
    2011-06-17 at 08:34


    • Karson | #10
      2011-06-23 at 03:14

      I bow down hmulby in the presence of such greatness.

      • Vicky | #11
        2011-09-03 at 05:04

        This is the perfect way to break down this informatoin.

        • Jacki | #12
          2011-11-12 at 05:45

          You’ve got it in one. Couldn’t have put it beettr.

    • Geraldine | #13
      2011-06-23 at 10:01

      Touchdown! That’s a really cool way of ptuting it!

      • Kevrell | #14
        2011-09-03 at 05:21

        Dude, right on there brtoher.

        • Honney | #15
          2011-11-12 at 06:29

          You are so aewsmoe for helping me solve this mystery.