ORACLE异机表空间基于时间点恢复 (TSPITR) Method(恢复部分表空间)

RMAN Tablespace Point-In-Time Recovery ( TSPITR) enables you to quickly recover one or more tablespaces in an Oracle database to an earlier time, without affecting the state of the rest of the tablespaces and other objects in the database.


ORACLE异机数据库基于时间点的恢复 (DBPITR) Method

DBPITR enables you to recover a database to some time in the past.I will demonstrate below how to do flashback a database to a point in time.

How to use the MegaCLI Utility with your RAID Controller on your DELL PowerEdge Server in Linux. (在linux监控RAID信息)

The MegaRAID Storage Manager includes both GUI (MSM) and The megacli tool is used for managing the controller via the command-line interface, text based tools (MegaCLI) to monitor and manage the disk array.

What is GridFS?

What is it ?

a way to store files in your database that doesn’s suck.
a way to ensure that metadata is always kept with a file.
a way to get all the scaliing benefits of mongodb for files.

Backup\Restore MongoDB using mongoexport, mongoimport, mongodump, mongorestore(MongoDB备份恢复)

The following examples , I will demonstrate how to restore a backup MongoDB. mongoexport to export mongodb to json,csv format file, mongorestore to backup mongodb to BSON(Binary Serialized dOcumeNt format) File.