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Troubleshooting Oracle 19c Wrong result cdb_data_files caused by result cache

最近遇到一个oracle 19c(19.15)的多租户环境,在查询cdb_data_files时显示的文件大小偶尔不正确的现象,这可能影响我们对于数据库空间类检测,通过分析发现在多租户环境中查询CDB_或共享对象时(sharing=object ),递归查询中使用了result cache.简单记录。

注意实际我们的BFR*表空间大小为20G, 但下面的查询为10G。

测试查询cdb_data_files的递归SQL,环境23c 多租户.

SQL> alter system flush shared_pool;
System altered.

SQL> @46on 12
Session altered.

SQL> select file_id,bytes from cdb_data_files where con_id=3;
---------- ----------
        18 1073741824
        13 1268776960
        14 6564085760
        15  524288000
        16  818282496
        17 6246891520
6 rows selected.

SQL> @46off
Session altered.

SQL> @t

[oracle@db1$ sed -n '/PARSING/,/END OF STMT/p' /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/anbob/anbob1/trace/anbob1_ora_122908.trc |egrep -v 'PARSING|END'|grep -i RESULT

注意这里递归SQL中看到使用了RESULT_CACHE HINT,也就是说是因为使用了查询结果缓存,显示的是之前cache的结果。SYSOBJ=TRUE对应的参数为“_rc_sys_obj_enabled” 默认为true.

SQL> @pd rc_sys
Show all parameters and session values from x$ksppi/x$ksppcv...

       NUM N_HEX NAME                                                     VALUE                          DESCRIPTION
---------- ----- -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      5119  13FF _rc_sys_obj_enabled                                      TRUE                           result cache enabled for Sys Objects

SQL> select type,status,name,row_count from v$result_cache_objects where name like '%BA_DATA_FILES%' order by row_count desc fetch first 10 rows only;

TYPE       STATUS    NAME                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ROW_COUNT
---------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Result     Published SELECT /*+ NO_STATEMENT_QUEUING RESULT_CACHE (SYSOBJ=TRUE SHELFLIFE=30) */ "FILE_ID","BYTES" FROM "SYS"."DBA_DATA_FILES" "K" WHE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6
Result     Invalid   SELECT /*+ NO_STATEMENT_QUEUING RESULT_CACHE (SYSOBJ=TRUE SHELFLIFE=30) */ "FILE_ID","BYTES" FROM "SYS"."DBA_DATA_FILES" "K" WHE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6
Result     Invalid   SELECT /*+ NO_STATEMENT_QUEUING RESULT_CACHE (SYSOBJ=TRUE SHELFLIFE=30) */ "FILE_ID","BYTES" FROM "SYS"."DBA_DATA_FILES" "K" WHE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6
Result     Invalid   SELECT /*+ NO_STATEMENT_QUEUING RESULT_CACHE (SYSOBJ=TRUE SHELFLIFE=30) */ "FILE_ID","BYTES" FROM "SYS"."DBA_DATA_FILES" "K" WHE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6
Result     Invalid   SELECT /*+ NO_STATEMENT_QUEUING RESULT_CACHE (SYSOBJ=TRUE SHELFLIFE=30) */ "FILE_ID","BYTES" FROM "SYS"."DBA_DATA_FILES" "K" WHE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6
Result     Invalid   SELECT /*+ NO_STATEMENT_QUEUING RESULT_CACHE (SYSOBJ=TRUE SHELFLIFE=30) */ "FILE_ID","BYTES" FROM "SYS"."DBA_DATA_FILES" "K" WHE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6
Result     Published SELECT /*+ NO_STATEMENT_QUEUING RESULT_CACHE (SYSOBJ=TRUE SHELFLIFE=30) */ "FILE_ID","BYTES" FROM "SYS"."DBA_DATA_FILES" "K" WHE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5
Result     Invalid   SELECT /*+ NO_STATEMENT_QUEUING RESULT_CACHE (SYSOBJ=TRUE SHELFLIFE=30) */ "FILE_ID","BYTES" FROM "SYS"."DBA_DATA_FILES" "K" WHE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5

在数据库内部的一些hard parse中也有使用result cache, 与非SYS对象一样,也有配置result cache失效规则,我们查找一下result 相关的参数。

SQL> @pd result%cache
Show all parameters and session values from x$ksppi/x$ksppcv...

       NUM N_HEX NAME                                                     VALUE                          DESCRIPTION
---------- ----- -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      4181  1055 _result_cache_auto_size_threshold                        100                            result cache auto max size allowed
      4182  1056 _result_cache_auto_time_threshold                        1000                           result cache auto time threshold
      4183  1057 _result_cache_auto_execution_threshold                   1                              result cache auto execution threshold
      4184  1058 _result_cache_deterministic_plsql                        FALSE                          result cache deterministic PLSQL functions
      4185  1059 result_cache_integrity                                   TRUSTED                        result cache deterministic PLSQL functions
      4309  10D5 result_cache_mode                                        MANUAL                         result cache operator usage mode
      4310  10D6 _obsolete_result_cache_mode                              MANUAL                         USERS SHOULD NOT SET THIS! Used for old qksced parameterof result_cache_mode
      4311  10D7 result_cache_max_size                                    65011712                       maximum amount of memory to be used by the cache
      4312  10D8 result_cache_max_result                                  5                              maximum result size as percent of cache size
      4313  10D9 result_cache_remote_expiration                           0                              maximum life time (min) for any result using a remote object
      4314  10DA _result_cache_block_size                                 4096                           result cache block size
      4315  10DB _result_cache_copy_block_count                           1                              blocks to copy instead of pinning the result
      4316  10DC _result_cache_global                                     TRUE                           Are results available globally across RAC?
      4317  10DD _result_cache_per_pdb                                    TRUE                           Is service result cache per pdb
      4318  10DE _result_cache_timeout                                    1                              maximum time (sec) a session waits for a result
      4319  10DF _result_cache_white_list                                                                users allowed to use result cache
      4320  10E0 _result_cache_black_list                                                                cache_id's not allowed to use the result cache
      4321  10E1 _result_cache_latch_free_reads                           ADMIN                          latch free reads
      4322  10E2 _result_cache_do_recycle_period                          300                            Timeout value for DOs added through invalidation
      4323  10E3 _result_cache_object_black_list                          0                              object numbers not allowed to use the result cache
      4324  10E4 _result_cache_latch_count                                16                             number of result cache latches
      4325  10E5 result_cache_execution_threshold                         2                              minimum executions before a PL/SQL function is cached
      4326  10E6 _result_cache_history_size                               0                              memory used to track PL/SQL function history
      4327  10E7 result_cache_max_temp_size                               650117120                      maximum amount of temp space to be used
      4328  10E8 result_cache_max_temp_result                             5                              maximum temp per result as percent of total temp for result cache
      4329  10E9 _result_cache_global_send                                TRUE                           Is global send conditional in RAC?
      4330  10EA _result_cache_load_rate                                  1                              Simulated global load rate (bytes per 1/100 sec)
      4331  10EB _result_cache_use_hash_table                             TRUE                           whether to use hash table for object tracking
      4332  10EC result_cache_auto_blocklist                              ON                             whether to run the auto blocklisting algorithm
      4333  10ED _result_cache_auto_blocklist_frequency                   50                             Frequency of autoblocklist checks in units of RC invalidations
      4334  10EE _result_cache_auto_broadcast_threshold                   10000                          Threshold of RAC round trip times before blocklisting
      4335  10EF _result_cache_auto_blocklist_threshold                   1000                           Threshold of ratio of ROs created to used before blocklisting
      4336  10F0 _result_cache_auto_blocklist_epsilon                     300                            How much better blocklisted objects must be to be unblocklisted
      4337  10F1 _result_cache_auto_ignore_list                           0                              object numbers that will never be auto blocklisted
      4338  10F2 _result_cache_auto_time_distance                         300                            result cache auto time distance
      4339  10F3 _result_cache_auto_dml_monitoring_slots                  4                              result cache auto dml monitoring slot
      4340  10F4 _result_cache_auto_dml_monitoring_duration               15                             result cache auto dml monitoring duration
      4341  10F5 _result_cache_auto_dml_threshold                         16                             result cache auto dml threshold
      4342  10F6 _result_cache_auto_dml_trend_threshold                   20                             result cache auto dml trend threshold
      5039  13AF _optimizer_ads_use_result_cache                          TRUE                           use result cache for ADS queries
      5040  13B0 _optimizer_ads_result_cache_life                         3600                           result cache shelf life for ADS queries
      5119  13FF _rc_sys_obj_enabled                                      TRUE                           result cache enabled for Sys Objects
      5153  1421 _cdb_view_rc_shelflife                                   30                             Result Cache Shelflife for a CDB view query
      5379  1503 client_result_cache_size                                 0                              client result cache max size in bytes
      5380  1504 client_result_cache_lag                                  3000                           client result cache maximum lag in milliseconds
      5381  1505 _client_result_cache_bypass                              FALSE                          bypass the client result cache
      5382  1506 _client_result_cache_ramthreshold                                                       client_result_cache_ramthreshold
      5454  154E _re_result_cache_keysiz                                  20                             defines max number key for result cache hash table
      5455  154F _re_result_cache_size                                    20                             defines max number of cached elements for result cache
      5604  15E4 _xsolapi_sql_result_set_cache_size                       32                             OLAP API result set cache size
      6282  188A _disable_cdb_view_rc_invalidation                        FALSE                          disable Result Cache invalidation for CDB View results
      6507  196B _hcs_disable_materialize                                 FALSE                          add materialize to result cache hint
      6510  196E _hcs_disable_result_cache_hint                           FALSE                          generate hcs query result cache hints

53 rows selected.

不太确认哪个是控制result失效的参数,Hint SHELFLIFE=30 似乎是_cdb_view_rc_shelflife 参数,对象在没有依赖关系跟踪时(如fixed view内存结构表)查询在30秒内显示相同的结果, 自定义sharing=object 对象同样生效(create view xx sharing=object as xxx)。可以使用exec dbms_result_cache.bypass(true); 尝试禁用result cache.

对于我们本案例的问题,禁用sys相关的result cache可以解决。

set _rc_sys_obj_enabled = false;

目前MOS中还未明确相关BUG, 实例级禁用该参数可能会影响性能,生产库调整参数后果自负。

— over —



