首页 » ORACLE 9i-23c, 系统相关 » OSW系列:ERROR. You do not have a compatible version of OSWatcher to use with oswbba.

OSW系列:ERROR. You do not have a compatible version of OSWatcher to use with oswbba.


Starting OSW Analyzer V8.4.0
OSWatcher Analyzer Written by Oracle Center of Expertise
Copyright (c)  2019 by Oracle Corporation

Parsing Data. Please Wait...

ERROR. You do not have a compatible version of OSWatcher to use with oswbba.
This version of oswbba requires files collected by running OSWbb(6.0 and
higher). The version of you archive files are, v22.1.0AHF ,
which may be compatible with an earlier version of OSWg or oswbba.

Always use the utility that comes shipped with your version of OSWatcher.

BLOG之前整理过2篇关于osw工具的笔记:OS Watcher (OSW)系统性能监控软件    、工具:oswbba java 分析

之前是分析过19c的osw数据的,于是要过来一份osw数据(其实只有vmstat数据就可以分析),  我们对比一下文件内容就明白了。


Linux OSWbb v8.4.0 db1
OSWBB_ARCHIVE_DEST /oracle/software/oswbb/archive
zzz ***Mon Dec 12 17:00:09 CST 2022
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
21  0      0 294590568 275372 33560192    0    0   834   489    0    0  7  1 92  0  0


Linux OSWbb v22.1.0AHF anbob2
OSWBB_ARCHIVE_DEST /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/repository/suptools/anbob/oswbb/grid/archive
zzz ***Thu Apr 6 09:00:17 CST 2023
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
13  1      0 150834048 103704 110665768    0    0   131    47    0    0  1  0 99  0  0
 1  1      0 150874368 103704 110606928    0    0 17003  8684 62207 63856  2  0 98  0  0

1, 替换文本第一行的版本为低版本
2, 每个dat文件追加1行“Linux OSWbb v8.4.0 xx” 低版本
3, 使用最新的oswbb.jar (当前9.0.9 download from 301137.1 )

方法1和2, 可以使用sed批量替换或追加,如下,我们从正在运行的AHF环境复制一份数据

[root@db1 archive]# find . -name "*.dat" -exec cp {} /tmp/arch/ \;

[root@db1 archive]# ls -l /tmp/arch
total 12024
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   47771 Apr  7 09:32 db1_arp_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   21467 Apr  7 09:32 db1_buddyinfo_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  241563 Apr  7 09:32 db1_ifconfig_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   88475 Apr  7 09:32 db1_iostat_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   96667 Apr  7 09:32 db1_meminfo_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  342235 Apr  7 09:32 db1_mpstat_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1460763 Apr  7 09:32 db1_netstat_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    2267 Apr  7 09:32 db1_nfsiostat_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  954002 Apr  7 09:32 db1_pidstat_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  161388 Apr  7 09:32 db1_pidstatd_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8569143 Apr  7 09:32 db1_ps_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      27 Apr  7 09:32 db1_slabinfo_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  250048 Apr  7 09:32 db1_top_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   29342 Apr  7 09:32 db1_vmstat_23.04.07.0900.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   15752 Apr  7 09:32 db1_zoneinfo_23.04.07.0900.dat

[root@db1 archive]# cd  /tmp/arch/

[root@db1 arch]# find . -name "*.dat" -exec sed -i "1s/v22.1.0AHF/v8.4.0/g" {} \;

[root@db1 arch]# head db1_vmstat_23.04.07.0900.dat
Linux OSWbb v8.4.0 db1


方法3 oswbba909.jar

D:\OSW>java -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=us -Xmx1024M -jar "d:\osw\oswbba909.jar" -i D:\osw\archive3

Validating times in the archive...

Starting OSW Analyzer V9.0.9
Copyright (c)  2022 by Oracle Corporation

Parsing Data. Please Wait...

Scanning file headers for version and platform info...
Parsing file zdb002_vmstat_23.04.06.0900.dat ...
Parsing Completed.

Enter 1 to Display CPU Process Queue Graphs
Enter 2 to Display CPU Utilization Graphs
Enter 3 to Display CPU Other Graphs
Enter 4 to Display Memory Graphs


OSW目前分为standalone独立完整版和 作为TFA/AHF一部分(自动安装)两个版本, OSW又分为两个组件oswbb数据采集和oswbba数据分析,standalone的最新版本为8.4, 从AHF22以后只保留了OSW的数据采集oswbb,不再提供oswbba(如之前tfactl oswbb -since 1h,以后不再支持), 需要手动独立下载最新的Oswbba.jar。

注在19较新的RU中可能更新了AHF中oswbb的版本,需要注意,同时在19.10以后如使用AHF22有bug,tfactl toolstatus显示oswbb在running但Osw进程不存在的现象,需要手动启动nohup ./startOSWbb.sh &, 不过在22.2.4已修复。


|                     TOOLS STATUS - HOST : db1                    |
| Tool Type            | Tool         | Version      | Status      |
| AHF Utilities        | alertsummary |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | calog        |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | dbglevel     |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | grep         |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | history      |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | ls           |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | managelogs   |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | menu         |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | orachk       |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | param        |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | ps           |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | pstack       |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | summary      |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | tail         |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | triage       |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | vi           |       22.2.4 | DEPLOYED    |
| Development Tools    | oratop       |       14.1.2 | DEPLOYED    |
| Support Tools Bundle | darda        | 2.10.0.R6036 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | oswbb        | 22.1.0AHF    | RUNNING     |
|                      | prw          | | NOT RUNNING |

Reference :
AHF/TFA Version 22.2+ No Longer Supports OSWatcher Analysis Function Through ‘tfactl’ Utility (Doc ID 2926043.1)



