Troubleshooting ora-01499 & ora-08103 block corrupted
ORA-1499: MOS
ORA-1499 is produced by statement “ANALIZE TABLE|CLUSTER VALIDATE STRUCTURE CASCADE” to report an inconsistency between a table or a cluster and its index where an index key value is not found in the index or vice versa.
Trace file keyword:
“row not found in index”
“Table/Index row count mismatch”
“row mismatch in index dba”
“Table row count/Bitmap index bit count mismatch”
“kdavls: kdcchk returns %d when checking cluster dba 0x%08lx objn %d\n”
tsn: Tablespace Number where the INDEX is stored.
rdba: Relative data block address of the INDEX segment header.
Table/Index row count mismatch
table 8152 : index 9571, 1407
Index root = tsn: 1 rdba: 0x0080750e
row not found in index tsn: 42 rdba: 0xce94ecba
TO identify index
SELECT owner, segment_name, segment_type, partition_name FROM DBA_SEGMENTS WHERE header_file = (SELECT file# FROM v$datafile WHERE rfile# = dbms_utility.data_block_address_file(to_number('&rdba','XXXXXXXX')) AND ts#= &tsn) AND header_block = dbms_utility.data_block_address_block(to_number('&rdba','XXXXXXXX'));
1, Drop index segment currpted, recreate index or index partition (not rebuild)
2, Recreating the table via export/import and then creating the indexes
# for local partition index
analyze many indexes for table
drop table analyze_log purge; create table analyze_log(atime date,owner varchar2(50),table_name varchar2(50), index_name varchar2(50),flag number(1)); alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count=512; alter session set events '10231 trace name context forever, level 10'; set serveroutput on -- eg exec analyze_quick('anbob','tt'); select * from analyze_log; create or replace procedure analyze_quick(owner_table varchar2, name_table varchar2, name_index varchar2 default null) is -- -- -- write log to table analyze_log, flag(1: index need to rebuild; 0: ignore) -- s varchar2(30000); v_sql varchar2(4000); num_indexes number := 0; sum_hash number; begin for i in (select a.owner, a.index_name, b.column_name from dba_indexes a, dba_ind_columns b where a.table_owner = upper(owner_table) and a.table_name = upper(name_table) and (a.index_name = upper(name_index) or name_index is null) and a.index_type not in ('IOT - TOP' ,'LOB' ,'FUNCTION-BASED NORMAL' ,'FUNCTION-BASED DOMAIN' ,'CLUSTER') and a.owner = b.index_owner and a.index_name = b.index_name and a.table_name = b.table_name and b.column_position = 1) loop num_indexes := num_indexes+1; s := 'select /*+ full(t1) parallel(t1 32) */ sum(ora_hash(rowid)) from '; s := s || owner_table || '.' || name_table || ' t1 where ' || i.column_name ||' is not null MINUS '; s := s || 'select /*+ index_ffs(t '|| i.index_name||') */ sum(ora_hash(rowid)) from '; s := s || owner_table || '.' || name_table || ' t where ' || i.column_name ||' is not null'; begin -- index begin to analyze v_sql:='insert into analyze_log values(sysdate,:town,:tnm,:inm,:flg)'; execute immediate v_sql using owner_table,name_table,i.index_name,0; commit; execute immediate s into sum_hash; dbms_output.put_line('TABLE/INDEX beging to analyze... Table: ' ||upper(owner_table)||'.'||upper(name_table) ||' Index: ' ||upper(i.index_name)); if sum_hash > 0 then -- raise_application_error(-20220,'TABLE/INDEX MISMATCH detected!! Table: ' -- ||upper(owner_table)||'.'||upper(name_table) -- ||' Index: ' -- ||upper(i.index_name)); dbms_output.put_line('TABLE/INDEX MISMATCH detected!! Table: ' ||upper(owner_table)||'.'||upper(name_table) ||' Index: ' ||upper(i.index_name)); -- index inconsistent execute immediate v_sql using owner_table,name_table,i.index_name,1; commit; end if; exception when no_data_found then null; -- no_data_found means that there is not inconsistency end; end loop; if num_indexes = 0 and name_index is not null then raise_application_error(-20221,'Check was not executed. Index '||upper(name_index)||' does not exist for table '||upper(name_table)|| ' or table does not exist'); elsif num_indexes = 0 then raise_application_error(-20222,'Check was not executed. No INDEXES with index_type=NORMAL found for table '||upper(name_table)|| ' or table does not exist'); end if; end; /
ORA-8103 MOS
ORA-8103 is caused by an invalid block type. The block header has an invalid block type or the block type inside the block is not expected; e.g. a data block (Type=6) was expected but the actual block information is not a data block (Type!=6).
ORA-8103 is also caused by an unexpected data_object_id where it is changing for the involved objects while the affected SQL statement is executed.
analyze method:
alter session set max_dump_file_size=unlimited; alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count=1; alter session set events '10200 trace name context forever, level 1'; alter session set events '8103 trace name errorstack level 3'; alter session set events '10236 trace name context forever, level 1'; alter session set tracefile_identifier='ORA8103'; -- OR -- alter system set events '8103 trace name errorstack level 3'; -- check db alert log file
Trace file keyworld:
“dump suspect buffer”
“Consistent read started for block ”
“but could not be dumped”
Find errors
sed -n '/Aug 17/,$p' alert*.log |grep -B 1 "ORA-08103" |egrep '^Errors in file'|awk '{print $4}'|sed 's/://'|while read LINE ; do echo $LINE; grep "ORA-08103" -A 2 $LINE; done;
case 1
*** SESSION ID:(647.425) 2016-10-26 14:47:36.789 OBJD MISMATCH typ=6, seg.obj=1697516001, diskobj=2744649, dsflg=0, dsobj=2713804, tid=2713804, cls=8 *** 2016-10-26 14:47:36.831 dbkedDefDump(): Starting a non-incident diagnostic dump (flags=0x0, level=3, mask=0x0) ----- Error Stack Dump ----- ORA-08103: object no longer exists ----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=gvxmvbcwdh2qv) ----- select /*+ full(t1) parallel(t1 32) */ sum(ora_hash(rowid)) from ANBOB.HIST201609 t1 where B_HOMEZIP is not null MINUS select /*+ index_ffs(t HIST201609_B_HOMEZIP) */ sum(ora_hash(rowid)) from ANBOB.HIST201609 t where B_HOMEZIP is not null ----- PL/SQL Stack ----- ----- PL/SQL Call Stack ----- object line object handle number name 70000315c01b9c0 41 procedure SYS.ANALYZE_QUICK 70000319c294830 1 anonymous block ... The buffer with tsn: 33 rdba: 0x54766d01 was pinned, but could not be dumped
Collection google out and found that the problem is:
diskobj object data object ID
dsobj is the object id
From the above we can tell the following:
On disk DATA_OBJECT_ID (diskobj) = 2744649
In memory buffer DATA_OBJECT_ID (dsobj) = 2713804
select object_id, data_object_id, owner, object_name,subobject_name, object_type from dba_objects where data_object_id in (2744649, 2713804) or object_id in (2744649, 2713804,1697516001); OBJECT_ID DATA_OBJECT_ID OWNER OBJECT_TYPE SUBOBJECT_NAME OBJECT_NAME --------- -------------- ------- ---------- -------------- ----------- 2713804 2713804 ANBOB TAB PARTITION P20160922_23 HIST201609 2665067 2744649 ANBOB IND PARTITION P20160825_13 HIST201608_LACCI select count(*) from ANBOB.HIST201609 partition(P20160922_23); faild ora-8103
extract table data base rowid:
REM Create a new table based on the table that is producing errors with no rows: create table ANBOB.HIST201609_new as select * from ANBOB.HIST201609 partition(P20160923_00) where 1=2; REM Create the table to keep track of ROWIDs pointing to affected rows: create table bad_rows (row_id rowid ,oracle_error_code number); set serveroutput on DECLARE TYPE RowIDTab IS TABLE OF ROWID INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; CURSOR c1 IS select /*+ index(tab1) */ rowid from ANBOB.HIST201609 partition(P20160922_23) tab1 where IMEI is NOT NULL; r RowIDTab; rows NATURAL := 20000; bad_rows number := 0 ; errors number; error_code number; myrowid rowid; BEGIN OPEN c1; LOOP FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO r LIMIT rows; EXIT WHEN r.count=0; BEGIN FORALL i IN r.FIRST..r.LAST SAVE EXCEPTIONS insert into ANBOB.HIST201609_new select /*+ ROWID(A) */ * from ANBOB.HIST201609 partition(P20160922_23) A where rowid = r(i); EXCEPTION when OTHERS then BEGIN errors := SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.COUNT; FOR err1 IN 1..errors LOOP error_code := SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(err1).ERROR_CODE; if error_code in (1410, 8103, 1578) then myrowid := r(SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(err1).ERROR_INDEX); bad_rows := bad_rows + 1; insert into bad_rows values(myrowid, error_code); else raise; end if; END LOOP; END; END; commit; END LOOP; commit; CLOSE c1; dbms_output.put_line('Total Bad Rows: '||bad_rows); END; /
alter table ANBOB.HIST201609 truncate partition P20160922_23; -- faild ora-8103 alter table ANBOB.HIST201609 exchange partition P20160922_23 with table ANBOB.HIST201609_new; complete.
in the case show:
The buffer with tsn: 33 rdba: 0x54766d01 was pinned
rdba 0x54766d01,the block type: 0x20=FIRST LEVEL BITMAP BLOCK , and object id is another table,But confirmed the late confirmation of the table no problem。
case 2
objn: -1 means it’s had droped, you can use flashback query on obj$ like the following:
select * from sys.obj$ as of timestamp sysdate-2/24 where obj#8817570;
references : note.1499.1 note.8103.1