How to find out who caused the database user locked(ora-1017 or ORA-28000)(捕捉登录失败)

昨天有应用反应server日志中有如下错误,提示用户locked,但是重启了下web server又恢复了正常,但是这期间我们也没有人为的给db user unlock, 下面记录一下, 其实事情的经过是这样子的…

Corrupted free block & ORA-19566 when using rman backup after restore DB

RMAN-00569: ========= ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: =====================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_DISK_1 channel at 03/10/2015 12:18:24
ORA-19566: exceeded limit of 0 corrupt blocks for file E:\ORACLE2\PRODUCT\10.1.0\ORADATA\ORCL\USERS01.DBF

Opatch auto PSU for RAC on hpux ia

to Opatch PSU for RAC on hpux ia-31

kjfspseudorcfg and kjxgrrcfgchk some reason #

kjxgrrcfgchk: Initiating reconfig, reason=3 #######<<<<<<<<< kjxgrrcfgchk: COMM rcfg - Disk Vote Required kjfmReceiverHealthCB_CheckAll: Recievers are healthy.


Online Redefinition Partition Existing Table, ora-600 [kkzuord_copycolcomcb.2.exec] and ORA-23539

从9i起可以重定义表结构可以在线,对于在线重定义的好处很多站点都有这里不再叙述,原理也是利用了mview及mview log 的低层操作, 满足对于7*24 小时业务的在线调整, 但是需要增加原大小一倍的空间存放临时数据

, ,

Troubleshooting TNS-12547&TNS-12560 AIX error 32: Broken pipe caused by tcp socket leak

上周出现个蹊跷案例,最近一直在忙今天简单的记录一下, 中间件反馈数据库连接时失败,在数据库使用lsnrctl status 查看监听状态会发现Listener一会儿正常,一会儿报错,但是在Listener正常时可以看出listener的start date并没有restart过

Tuning: latch: cache buffers chains 又一案例

CBC latch竞争的原因很多,通常也可以理解为一种热块, 对于CBC 通常都是从session wait中找到child latch address 然后再去x$bh的hladdr字段找到相应的obj,1个BH handle可以会关连多个obj, 再参考TCH 列确认比较hot的对象。大多数CBC的OLTP系统多数应该注意一下sql 的执行计划中使用了NL join的方式;

Troubleshooting ora-12519 or ora-12516 ,listener service ‘blocked’, and wait event ‘latch: ges resource hash

通常当出现ora-12519 or 12516时都是因为数据库进程数超过了数据库参数processes 或 sessions 时, 并且通常在db alert 中出现ora-20 or ora-18 的错误信息,如果当时查看监听服务状态使用lsnrctl service 会发现service 当时是”blocked”状态

How to list all db links in oracle DB to generate a flat file? (生成dblink列表文件)

自己整理了个简单的SHELL 去收集LOCAL 的所有DB LINKS,功能是如果DB LINK创建使用的是简单方式(没有配置TNSNAMES.ORA)直接取IP:PORT, 或如果使用TNSNAME Alias Name调用TNSPING 转换成IP, 同时还会判断tnsping ip port 里否通?

Index partition unusable and wait ‘kpodplck wait before retrying ORA-54’ event during direct sqlldr

最近有人遇到用SQL*Loader 向数据库加载数据时发现很慢,并且反映有几个分区表上的local索引总是递归的变成invalid or unusable,rebuild该分区失效索引,另一个索引分区又失效。

Acquiring Management Agent Software for HPUX&AIX in the Offline Mode(离线安装EM agent)

OMS安装在OEL 6.6 ,Product DB Agent 都是在AIX, HPUX, EXADATA(linux)平台, linux平台的比较方便安装,因为OMS 自带相同平台的AGENT,其它平台需要先在OMS下载相应的AGENT支持,这里有OMS是在OFFLINE模式

RMAN-06900&RMAN-06901 RMAN-00600 [3045] ORA-19921 when rman connect target

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00554: 内部恢复管理器程序包初始化失败
RMAN-00600: internal error, arguments [3045] [] [] [] []

Performance Tuning DML hang wait event ‘cursor: pin S wait on X’

年前一套数据库出现了性能问题,一周出现了两次,很多session 等待“cursor: pin S wait on X” 事件,这是一套11.2.0.4 RAC on RHEL6 的环境,下面记录一下该案例的优化方案。

Troubleshooting RMAN-00600: internal error, arguments [13205] [] [] [] []

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 04/11/2011 10:03:29
RMAN-00600: internal error, arguments [13205] [] [] [] []

Troubleshooting the crsd.bin and listener process terminal after eanble TCP.VALIDNODE_CHECKING in sqlnet.ora

Recently, we met several times Oracle Listener terminal […]


诊断一起存储链路引起的数据库性能问题案例 ORA-32701 and krsv_proc_kill: Killing 1 processes (Process by index) in alert

前几日一套库出现在性能问题,虽然最终问题不在数据库, 但是记录一下希望遇到同样问题时可以节约你的时间 ,这是11.2.0.3 RAC 2nodes on hpux (EMC存储), 问题是从16:40左右起中间件偶尔有瞬间的业务积压, 积压时数据库大多数会话都是简单的insert同一表数据

Invalid segment BIN$xxx and dba_recyclebin was empty (回收站空,释放无效的BIN$xx空间)

近来有套库空间紧张,发现有很大BIN$开头的TABLE partition,index partition 类型的段,查询确认是2个月前删除的对象,手动清空过dba_recyclebin使用purge,但都过去几天了,后来dba_recyclebin一直为空,发现对象BIN$XX还存在

Performance tuning ‘gc cr&current grant 2-way’ event (当主机扩容cpu后)

gc cr&current grant 2-way 是一种 grant message package 的传递,当取cr 或current block 时向block master instance 请求x或s的权限 ,当请求的block在从任何实例上的buffer cache中都没有发现, lms进程会通知FG进程从disk 读取block到local buffer cache中

Fixed OSWatcher v7.3.3 some problems on HPUX ia 11-31 platform

The OSW is a great OS monitor tool, The latest version of osw(7.3.3) there are some problems in the HP platform(ia 11-31).

1, the private network to collect information to monitor only once at startup
2, Did not get the information TOP

ORA-31693&ORA-31640&ORA-19505 and ORA-39126&ORA-01555&ORA-22924 when impdp 11g rac using parallel

ORA-31693: Table data object “CTCARD”.”RES_IMSI1104IMPORTANT” failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
ORA-31640: unable to open dump file “/home/oracle/datapump/UIM04.DUMP” for read
ORA-19505: failed to identify file “/home/oracle/datapump/UIM04.DUMP”
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3