首页 » ORACLE 9i-23c » Troubleshooting High “enq: TX – index contention” events during index split?

Troubleshooting High “enq: TX – index contention” events during index split?

enq: TX – index contention

经常发生在应用程序的并发性很高的表相关联的索引上,索引叶块、枝块争用较高,尤其当应用程序执行许多INSERT和DELETE时,通常会发生这种情况。原因是在向索引插入新行时索引块分裂,事务将必须在模式4下等待TX锁定,直到执行块拆分的会话完成操作为止, 常伴随[gc] buffer busy waits

1. 从应用程序大量访问的表上的索引。
2. 表列上的索引的值通过单调递增插入。
3. 大量删除


1, 从v$session 或 ASH,  DASH中找SQL及对象

2, V$SEGMENT_STATISTICS  或  ‘Segments by Row Lock Waits’  ‘Segments by Buffer Busy Waits’ AWR 报告查找对象

select * from v$segment_statistics  where statistic_name ='row lock waits'

3,   v$sysstat 或 AWR中的index split


1. Reverse Key  Indexes
可参考 反转索引主键 语法
2. Hash partitioned global indexes
3. Increase CACHE size of the sequences, and NOORDER.
4. Recreate index or drop index if not need.
5. Sequence SCALE EXTEND 18c new
可参考Oracle 18.1 新特性: Sequence SCALE EXTEND ?

下面是一个案例, 使用了Poder的sql tools


SQL> @snapper ash 5 1 all
Sampling SID all with interval 5 seconds, taking 1 snapshots...

-- Session Snapper v4.14 BETA - by Tanel Poder ( http://blog.tanelpoder.com ) - Enjoy the Most Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Script on the Planet! :)

Active% | INST | SQL_ID          | SQL_CHILD | EVENT                               | WAIT_CLASS
  5091% |    1 | gakpd2xn7k0zr   | 2         | enq: TX - index contention          | Concurrency
  5030% |    1 | dr78bvcrncm6j   | 2         | enq: TX - index contention          | Concurrency
  3613% |    1 | 1rrm8am4g11yy   | 0         | enq: TX - index contention          | Concurrency
  2543% |    1 | dr78bvcrncm6j   | 2         | buffer busy waits                   | Concurrency
  2270% |    1 | gakpd2xn7k0zr   | 2         | buffer busy waits                   | Concurrency
  2191% |    1 | 3048yhcsmycu9   | 2         | enq: TX - index contention          | Concurrency
  1978% |    1 | dr78bvcrncm6j   | 2         | latch: ges resource hash list       | Other
  1904% |    1 | gakpd2xn7k0zr   | 2         | latch: ges resource hash list       | Other
  1865% |    1 | 1rrm8am4g11yy   | 0         | buffer busy waits                   | Concurrency
  1230% |    1 | 1rrm8am4g11yy   | 0         | latch: ges resource hash list       | Other

SQL> @sw "select sid from v$session where event like 'enq: TX%'"

    SID STATE   EVENT                                          SEQ# SEC_IN_WAIT P1                  P2                  P3                  P1TRANSL
------- ------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------
   3036 WAITING enq: TX - allocate ITL entry                  17573           0 name|mode=          usn<<16 | slot=     sequence= 33872     0x54580004: TX mode 4
                                                                                0x0000000054580004  27590686

     28 WAITING enq: TX - index contention                     4079           0 name|mode=          usn<<16 | slot=     sequence= 33872     0x54580004: TX mode 4
                                                                                0x0000000054580004  27590686

    526 WAITING enq: TX - index contention                    40938           0 name|mode=          usn<<16 | slot=     sequence= 33872     0x54580004: TX mode 4
                                                                                0x0000000054580004  27590686

    534 WAITING enq: TX - index contention                    21024           0 name|mode=          usn<<16 | slot=     sequence= 33872     0x54580004: TX mode 4
                                                                                0x0000000054580004  27590686

    572 WAITING enq: TX - index contention                    12879           0 name|mode=          usn<<16 | slot=     sequence= 33872     0x54580004: TX mode 4
                                                                                0x0000000054580004  27590686

    575 WAITING enq: TX - index contention                     8875           0 name|mode=          usn<<16 | slot=     sequence= 33872     0x54580004: TX mode 4

SQL> @ashtop event,CURRENT_OBJ#,p1   1=1 sysdate-10/24/60 sysdate

  Seconds     AAS %This   EVENT                                    CURRENT_OBJ#         P1 FIRST_SEEN          LAST_SEEN           COUNT(DISTINCTSQL_EXEC_START||':'||SQL_EXEC_ID)
--------- ------- ------- ---------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- ------------------- ------------------- -----------------------------------------------
    79655   132.8   46% | enq: TX - index contention                     664395 1415053316 2020-07-01 09:10:52 2020-07-01 09:20:51                                           79484
    15130    25.2    9% | buffer busy waits                              664395        365 2020-07-01 09:10:52 2020-07-01 09:20:43                                           15128
     9536    15.9    5% | buffer busy waits                              664395        351 2020-07-01 09:13:35 2020-07-01 09:20:42                                            9536
     4917     8.2    3% | buffer busy waits                              664395        161 2020-07-01 09:10:52 2020-07-01 09:13:51                                            4915
     3451     5.8    2% | buffer busy waits                              664395        367 2020-07-01 09:10:59 2020-07-01 09:15:49                                            3449
     3121     5.2    2% | buffer busy waits                              664395        164 2020-07-01 09:17:43 2020-07-01 09:20:49                                            3121
     2330     3.9    1% | buffer busy waits                              664395        372 2020-07-01 09:10:55 2020-07-01 09:13:56                                            2330
     2084     3.5    1% |                                                664395 1413697536 2020-07-01 09:10:52 2020-07-01 09:20:51                                            1434
     1977     3.3    1% | buffer busy waits                              664395        345 2020-07-01 09:12:28 2020-07-01 09:19:31                                            1977
     1703     2.8    1% | buffer busy waits                              664395        371 2020-07-01 09:10:53 2020-07-01 09:14:47                                            1703
      906     1.5    1% | enq: TX - index contention                          0 1415053316 2020-07-01 09:10:52 2020-07-01 09:20:51                                             906
      631     1.1    0% | buffer busy waits                              664395        373 2020-07-01 09:10:59 2020-07-01 09:13:43                                             631
      553      .9    0% | buffer busy waits                              664395        163 2020-07-01 09:19:42 2020-07-01 09:20:51                                             553
      393      .7    0% | latch: ges resource hash list                  664395 3.1417E+11 2020-07-01 09:11:20 2020-07-01 09:11:20                                             393
SQL> @sed "enq: TX"
Show wait event descriptions matching %enq: TX%..

EVENT# EVENT_NAME                                              WAIT_CLASS           PARAMETER1                PARAMETER2                PARAMETER3                ENQUEUE_NAME                   REQ_REASON                       REQ_DESCRIPTION
------ ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   241 enq: TX - row lock contention                           Application          name|mode                 usn<<16 | slot sequence Transaction row lock contention Lock held on a particular row by a transaction to prevent other transactions from modifying it SQL>

SQL> select ROW_WAIT_OBJ#,sql_id,count(*) from v$session where  event like 'enq: TX - index conte%' 
group by ROW_WAIT_OBJ#,sql_id;

ROW_WAIT_OBJ# SQL_ID            COUNT(*)
------------- --------------- ----------
            0 1rrm8am4g11yy            1
       664395 dr78bvcrncm6j           69
       664395 gakpd2xn7k0zr           73
       664395 3048yhcsmycu9           44
       664395 c83c2zc0mr5kk           28
       330491 dr78bvcrncm6j            1
       664395 1rrm8am4g11yy           75
            0 gakpd2xn7k0zr            4

当然这里SQL都是insert ,省略.

查看每分钟ASH 负载趋势及TOP EVENT
SQL>  select inst_id,etime,events,db_time,avg_waited,pct,aas,lpad('*',sum(aas) over(partition by inst_id,etime)/CPUS,'*') load
  2   from (
  3          select inst_id,etime,nvl(event,'on cpu') events, lpad(dbtime,10,' ')||' s' db_time,round(dbtime/24) AAS, avg_waited,(select param.value from gv$parameter param where param.name like '%cpu_count%' and param.inst_id=v.inst_id ) cpus
  4             ,lpad(round(100*ratio_to_report(dbtime) OVER (partition by etime ),2)||'%',15,' ') pct,row_number() over(partition by etime order by dbtime  desc) rn
  5       from (
  6      select  inst_id,to_char(SAMPLE_TIME,'yyyymmdd hh24:mi') etime,event,  count(*) dbtime, lpad(round(avg(time_waited)/1000,2)||' ms',20,' ') avg_waited 
  7       from gv$active_session_history gash 
  8       where SESSION_TYPE='FOREGROUND'   AND inst_id=1
  9      and   sample_time between to_date('2020-7-1 08:30','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') and to_date('2020-7-1 09:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi')
 10       group by  inst_id,to_char(SAMPLE_TIME,'yyyymmdd hh24:mi'),event
 11      ) v
 12      ) where rn<=5 13 order by 1,2;  

 INST_ID ETIME          EVENTS                              DB_TIME      AVG_WAITED           PCT                 AAS LOAD
---------- -------------- ----------------------------------- ------------ -------------------- --------------- ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1 20200701 09:09 enq: TX - index contention                3018 s             80.34 ms          52.04%   126.0 **********
                          latch: ges resource hash list             1694 s              27.6 ms          29.21%    71.0 **********
                          buffer busy waits                          820 s              33.1 ms          14.14%    34.0 **********
                          on cpu                                     123 s                 0 ms           2.12%     5.0 **********
                          db file sequential read                    102 s               2.2 ms           1.76%     4.0 **********

           20200701 09:10 enq: TX - index contention               15363 s             80.64 ms           56.1%   640.0 ***********************************************
                          buffer busy waits                         6216 s             43.13 ms           22.7%   259.0 ***********************************************
                          latch: ges resource hash list             4444 s             27.41 ms          16.23%   185.0 ***********************************************
                          db file sequential read                    637 s             22.81 ms           2.33%    27.0 ***********************************************
                          on cpu                                     511 s                 0 ms           1.87%    21.0 ***********************************************

           20200701 09:11 enq: TX - index contention               13142 s             88.18 ms          52.61%   548.0 ******************************************
                          buffer busy waits                         5457 s              36.4 ms          21.85%   227.0 ******************************************
                          latch: ges resource hash list             4725 s             23.83 ms          18.92%   197.0 ******************************************
                          db file sequential read                    577 s              9.64 ms           2.31%    24.0 ******************************************
                          on cpu                                     575 s                 0 ms            2.3%    24.0 ******************************************

           20200701 09:12 enq: TX - index contention               13089 s             85.93 ms          52.71%   545.0 ******************************************
                          buffer busy waits                         5600 s             34.17 ms          22.55%   233.0 ******************************************
                          latch: ges resource hash list             4877 s             20.19 ms          19.64%   203.0 ******************************************
                          on cpu                                     535 s                 0 ms           2.15%    22.0 ******************************************
                          db file sequential read                    507 s             10.79 ms           2.04%    21.0 ******************************************


SQL> @oid 664395

owner                     object_name                    object_type        SUBOBJECT_NAME                 CREATED           LAST_DDL_TIME     status    DATA_OBJECT_ID
------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------- --------- --------------
SYS                       IND_LOC_CH_ATTR_OID            INDEX                                             20191028 09:48:16 20200401 08:06:19 VALID             827128

Display indexes where table or index name matches %IND_LOC_CH_ATTR_OID%...

TABLE_OWNER          TABLE_NAME                     INDEX_NAME                     POS# COLUMN_NAME                    DSC
-------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---- ------------------------------ ----

Display indexes where table or index name matches %ANBOB_COM.TEST_TABLE_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%...

TABLE_OWNER          TABLE_NAME                     INDEX_NAME                     POS# COLUMN_NAME                    DSC
-------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---- ------------------------------ ----
                                                                                      2 REGION
                                                                                      3 MONTHCYCLE
                                                    IND_LOC_CH_ATTR_OID               1 OID

INDEX_OWNER          TABLE_NAME                     INDEX_NAME                     IDXTYPE    UNIQ STATUS   PART TEMP  H     LFBLKS           NDK   NUM_ROWS       CLUF LAST_ANALYZED     DEGREE VISIBILIT
-------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---- -------- ---- ---- -- ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ----------------- ------ ---------
ANBOB_COM             TEST_TABLE_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX     IDX_DEFER_ATTR                 NORMAL     NO   N/A      YES  N     4    3056508     274999605  274999605   99148522 20191106 17:05:56 1      VISIBLE
SYS                  TEST_TABLE_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX     IND_LOC_CH_ATTR_OID            NORMAL     NO   VALID    NO   N     4    1235701     144476500  369544890  147821098 20200401 08:06:19 1      INVISIBLE


from v$session where  event like 'enq: TX - index conten%'  ;

------------- -------------- ---------------
       664395            161          805296
       664395            161          805296
       664395            365         2622470
       664395            161          805296
       664395            161          805296
       664395            161          805296
       664395            161          805296
       664395            161          805296
       664395            161          805296

dump index block

alter system dump datafile 161 block 805296;

show trace

Block header dump:  0x284c49b0
 Object id on Block? Y
 seg/obj: 0xc9ef8  csc: 0xf3b.17ee833f  itc: 168  flg: E  typ: 2 - INDEX
     brn: 0  bdba: 0x284c2d87 ver: 0x01 opc: 0
     inc: 0  exflg: 0

 Itl           Xid                  Uba         Flag  Lck        Scn/Fsc
0x01   0x0143.014.0000903c  0x540444a2.172f.06  --U-    1  fsc 0x0000.17ee8340
0x02   0x0ccf.004.0000257b  0x5400e74c.0606.0c  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x03   0x075b.000.00008393  0x544051ca.19d3.12  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x04   0x0864.00e.00001b02  0x5400a089.03ac.16  C---    0  scn 0x0f3b.1606bf97
0x05   0x03ae.011.0000188c  0x54006346.0806.54  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x06   0x03a4.00b.00001179  0x540018ea.0608.14  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x07   0x0d0d.012.0000247f  0x54004cc2.0615.54  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x08   0x0790.006.00003ddf  0x53c010b2.0e22.1c  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x09   0x07a8.01f.0000b9ed  0x54405bb3.169d.43  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x0a   0x0d18.014.00002404  0x53c03cfa.07c9.51  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x0b   0x0792.00f.0000a34a  0x01006300.1602.3e  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x0c   0x03c9.01c.00001277  0x53c07097.06da.44  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x0d   0x077a.020.000259bf  0x01003845.38b6.43  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x0e   0x0697.001.0004fad6  0x01146d1b.59e8.02  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x0f   0x070b.006.0001a796  0x5400ec8a.1e18.09  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x10   0x0692.007.00041fa3  0x54004d13.5363.4c  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3
0x11   0x06d4.003.0005548d  0x54405aa6.670d.11  C-U-    0  scn 0x0f3b.160605c3

0x1d   0x03c7.017.00004a81  0x542716a2.1327.05  C---    0  scn 0x0f3b.16071c78
0x1e   0x0826.015.00000f4e  0x010fdf6b.0238.06  C---    0  scn 0x0f3b.16071f24
0x1f   0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000.0000.00  ----    0  fsc 0x0000.00000000
0x20   0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000.0000.00  ----    0  fsc 0x0000.00000000
0x21   0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000.0000.00  ----    0  fsc 0x0000.00000000
0x22   0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000.0000.00  ----    0  fsc 0x0000.00000000
0x23   0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000.0000.00  ----    0  fsc 0x0000.00000000	 

Leaf block dump
header address 140294501911028=0x7f98dbf349f4
kdxcolev 0
KDXCOLEV Flags = - - -
kdxcolok 1
kdxcoopc 0x89: opcode=9: iot flags=--- is converted=Y
kdxconco 2
kdxcosdc 3
kdxconro 0
kdxcofbo 36=0x24
kdxcofeo 4048=0xfd0
kdxcoavs 4012  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
kdxlespl 0
kdxlende 0
kdxlenxt 676083785=0x284c3849
kdxleprv 676085935=0x284c40af
kdxledsz 0
kdxlebksz 4048     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
*** dummy key ***
row#0[2245] flag: ---D--, lock: 0, len=22
col 0; len 8; (8):  c7 59 24 26 39 33 29 21
col 1; len 10; (10):  00 05 0b 04 65 03 a0 e0 00 5e

从物理块dump出来索引块的信息显示,kdxcolev =0表示这是一个leaf block, itc: 168 表示这一个block中分配了168个itl事务槽. itc事务槽系统默认叶块为2个,根支块为1个, 也可以在创建时指定initial参数预分配事务槽个数,因为事务槽的扩展也要消耗一定的性能代价,所以事务槽在初始化后,如果后期高并发把事务槽增长到了某个值, oracle认为这个索引上就有这么高的并发请求,后期分裂出来的新block也会继承原block的itc事务槽数。Itl 在当前版本没有办法手动指定上限值,实际block上的ITL最大上限为: min(255,half the block), 也就是说取255和一半block空间除以每个ITL大小后的个数对比后较小的数值, 这就依赖于block大小,对于我们8K的block, 最大也就是169.

根据index segment head block#, 加1就是index block root block, 也可以dump index root block , root block split 耗时比leaf更长。没有太好的方法统计什么时间root split或 itl 增长上去的,从ASH 可以找当时的block dump 尝试。

每个ITL通常占用24 bytes, 可以看到上面的BLOCK一半的空间都被itl所占用, 这也是上面我们看到的索引段空间浪费的原因。 kdxlebksz 4048 表示该block的可用空间4048 bytes, 但是我们的块大小是8192 bytes, 因为ITL占用了一半空间,后期分裂出来的块可用数据空间更少也,加速了index block split的发生, kdxcoavs 1920当前block 还有4012的空闲空间,是一个新split出来的block 只有一个key。

这个案例简单,因为是ID 列,且前个前置复合索引列,这个索引可以删除,问题消失。如果不可以删对于ID 范围查询较少,可以改为hash。 当然要重建index,回收ITL浪费 的空间。 itl不会自动回收。

