在开发场景中如查询分页计算多少页或统计查询,有些开发是习惯基于明细的查询SQL,而外层直接加1层汇聚查询,如select count(*) from (select ….), 但子查询中可能有一些函数或主查询根本不需要的列, 在oracle中的查询转换中如select-project-join或select list pruning, 或VIEW merge SPJ,CVM 都是为了不影响SQL结果一致性,而优化低效的SQL. 但是从oracle迁移到其它数据库中,因为CBO的差异,导致SQL性能大量衰减,需要手动改写SQL, 最近从oracle迁移到pg系国产库,发现一个view中使用了function, 而外部查询根本不关心该列值,就是一个无效的查询列,无意义的函数调用, 在后期国产库迁移需要注意。
SQL>CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TEST_SLEEP( TIME_ IN NUMBER) RETURN INTEGER IS BEGIN DBMS_LOCK.sleep(seconds => TIME_); RETURN 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; RETURN 1; END TEST_SLEEP; / SQL> set timing on SQL> select min(object_id),TEST_SLEEP(10) from (select object_id,owner from anbob.tobj); MIN(OBJECT_ID) TEST_SLEEP(10) -------------- -------------- 2 1 Elapsed: 00:00:10.08 SQL> select min(object_id) from (select object_id,TEST_SLEEP(100),owner from anbob.tobj); MIN(OBJECT_ID) -------------- 2 Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
10053 trace
SPJ - select-project-join
SLP - select list pruning
CVM: Merging SPJ view SEL$2 (#0) into SEL$1 (#0)
Registered qb: SEL$1 0x7fd7bc45d0a8 (PARSER)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$1 nbfros=1 flg=0
fro(0): flg=5 objn=0 hint_alias="from$_subquery$_001"@"SEL$1"
Registered qb: SEL$2 0x7fd7bc45b7b8 (PARSER)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$2 nbfros=1 flg=0
fro(0): flg=4 objn=181330 hint_alias="TOBJ"@"SEL$2"
select min(object_id) from (select object_id,lower(object_name),owner from anbob.tobj)
GPUA: kkqgpuaCheckValidity :******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Query transformations (QT)
Final query after transformations:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$F5BB74E1 (#0)
oracle做了查询转换view merge和select list pruning ,子查询中的function被column投影裁剪掉了。
[kingbase@kingbase1 ~]$ ksql -U xxxx.... Password: ksql (V8.0) Type "help" for help. kingbase=# create table t(id int,name varchar2(20)); CREATE TABLE kingbase=# insert into t select rownum,'anbob'||rownum from dual connect by rownum<=10; INSERT 0 10 kingbase=# \timing on Timing is on. kingbase=# select count(*) from (select id,name,pg_sleep(2) from t); count ------- 10 (1 row) Time: 20015.006 ms (00:20.015)
anbob=# select version(); version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gaussdb (GaussDB Kernel 505.2.0 build 82d715e8) compiled at 2024-09-20 00:15:22 commit 9967 last mr 19883 release (1 row) Time: 0.568 ms anbob=# explain analyze select id from (select id,name,pg_sleep(5) from t limit 3); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subquery Scan on __unnamed_subquery__ (cost=0.00..0.37 rows=3 width=4) (actual time=5001.069..15003.188 rows=3 loops=1) -> Limit (cost=0.00..0.34 rows=3 width=680) (actual time=5001.065..15003.174 rows=3 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on t (cost=0.00..344.50 rows=3 width=680) (actual time=5001.062..15003.164 rows=3 loops=1) Total runtime: 15003.372 ms (4 rows) Time: 15004.628 ms anbob=# show debug_print_rewritten; debug_print_rewritten ----------------------- off (1 row) Time: 0.473 ms anbob=# set debug_print_rewritten=on; ERROR: parameter "debug_print_rewritten" cannot be changed now Time: 0.953 ms
GaussDB同kingbase,意料之内同根PostGreSQL。 debug_print_rewritten参数不能配置,也没有10053, 像查看一下rewrite规则。
debug_print_parse: When you enable this parameter, the parse tree of incoming queries is printed to the server log. This can be useful for understanding the structure of a query and the values of any bound parameters.
debug_print_rewritten: When you enable this parameter, the rewritten forms of incoming queries are printed to the server log. This can be useful for understanding how the query planner interprets a query and the values of any bound parameters.
[postgres@anbob1 data]$ psql -c"show all"|grep parse debug_pretty_print | on | Indents parse and plan tree displays. debug_print_parse | off | Logs each query's parse tree. debug_print_rewritten | off | Logs each query's rewritten parse tree. log_parser_stats | off | Writes parser performance statistics to the server log. postgres=# set debug_print_parse=on; SET postgres=# select name from (select name,num,pg_sleep(2) from tg limit 2); 2024-11-23 19:39:21.866 CST [18505] LOG: parse tree: 2024-11-23 19:39:21.866 CST [18505] DETAIL: {QUERY :commandType 1 :querySource 0 :canSetTag true :utilityStmt <> :resultRelation 0 :hasAggs false :hasWindowFuncs false :hasTargetSRFs false :hasSubLinks false :hasDistinctOn false :hasRecursive false :hasModifyingCTE false :hasForUpdate false :hasRowSecurity false :isReturn false :cteList <> :rtable ( {RANGETBLENTRY :alias <> :eref {ALIAS :aliasname unnamed_subquery :colnames ("name" "num" "pg_sleep") } :rtekind 1 :subquery {QUERY :commandType 1 :querySource 0 :canSetTag true :utilityStmt <> :resultRelation 0 :hasAggs false :hasWindowFuncs false :hasTargetSRFs false :hasSubLinks false :hasDistinctOn false :hasRecursive false :hasModifyingCTE false :hasForUpdate false :hasRowSecurity false :isReturn false :cteList <> :rtable ( {RANGETBLENTRY :alias <> :eref {ALIAS :aliasname tg :colnames ("name" "num") } :rtekind 0 :relid 17101 :inh true :relkind r :rellockmode 1 :perminfoindex 1 :tablesample <> :lateral false :inFromCl true :securityQuals <> } ) ... } 2024-11-23 19:39:21.866 CST [18505] STATEMENT: select name from (select name,num,pg_sleep(2) from tg limit 2);
SQL> select * from v$version; LINEID BANNER ---------- --------------------------------- 1 DM Database Server 64 V8 2 DB Version: 0x7000c ... SQL> create table t(id int,name varchar2(20)); executed successfully used time: 111.517(ms). Execute id is 14641109. SQL> insert into t select rownum,'anbob'||rownum from dual connect by rownum<=10; affect rows 10 used time: 83.469(ms). Execute id is 14641110. SQL> select count(*) from (select id,name,TEST_SLEEP(2) from t); LINEID COUNT(*) ---------- -------------------- 1 10 used time: 17.317(ms). Execute id is 14641111.
达梦形为同oracle, 子查询中的sleep函数并未调用。
SQL> ALTER SESSION 0 SET EVENTS '10053 trace name context forever'; executed successfully used time: 69.052(ms). Execute id is 14641112. SQL> select count(*) from (select id,name,TEST_SLEEP(10) from t); LINEID COUNT(*) ---------- -------------------- 1 10 used time: 20.122(ms). Execute id is 14641113. SQL> ALTER SESSION 0 SET EVENTS '10053 trace name context off'; executed successfully used time: 1.378(ms). Execute id is 14641114. SQL> select para_name,para_value from v$dm_ini where para_name like 'TRACE_PATH'; LINEID PARA_NAME PARA_VALUE ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------- 1 TRACE_PATH /home/dmdba/dmdsc/data/DSC01/trace used time: 75.690(ms). Execute id is 14641115. SQL> explain select count(*) from (select id,name,TEST_SLEEP(10) from t); 1 #NSET2: [1, 1, 52] 2 #PRJT2: [1, 1, 52]; exp_num(1), is_atom(FALSE) 3 #FAGR2: [1, 1, 52]; sfun_num(1) used time: 1.322(ms). Execute id is 0. SQL> host [dmdba@ora19c1 ~]$ cd /home/dmdba/dmdsc/data/DSC01/trace [dmdba@ora19c1 trace]$ ls DSC01_1124_0856_139920505114648.trc [dmdba@ora19c1 trace]$ vi DSC01_1124_0856_139920505114648.trc [dmdba@ora19c1 trace]$ exit exit *** Plan before optimized: project[0x7f41c80408e8] n_exp(1) group[0x7f41c8040280] base table[0x7f41c803fc48] (T, FULL SEARCH) ---------------- single table access path probe for T ---------------- *** path 1: INDEX33708453 (FULL search), cost: 0.04566 >>> best access path: INDEX33708453 (FULL search), cost: 0.04566 *** BEST PLAN FOR THIS STATEMENT *** project[0x7f41c80522c0] n_exp(1) (cost: 0.04566, rows: 1) group[0x7f41c8052928] (cost: 0.04566, rows: 1) base table[0x7f41c8052f90] (T, INDEX33708453, FULL SEARCH) (cost: 0.04566, rows: 10) -------------------------- END --------------------------
达梦虽然支持10053 trace,但trace中的内容似乎没有太多,相比Oracle还是差的多。
obclient [SYS]> select * from v$version; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | BANNER | CON_ID | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | OceanBase (r102010012023120119-130bf91ba413a00bb696fe8853906fde1f29f83d) (Built Dec 1 2023 20:00:25) | 0 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ 1 row in set (0.154 sec) obclient [SYS]> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TEST_SLEEP( TIME_ IN NUMBER) -> RETURN INTEGER IS -> BEGIN -> DBMS_LOCK.sleep(seconds => TIME_); -> RETURN 1; -> EXCEPTION -> WHEN OTHERS THEN -> RAISE; -> RETURN 1; -> END TEST_SLEEP; -> / Query OK, 0 rows affected (3.212 sec) obclient [SYS]> create table t as select rownum id,'anbob'||rownum name from dual connect by rownum<=10; Query OK, 10 rows affected (6.127 sec) obclient [SYS]> select count(*) from (select id,name,TEST_SLEEP(5) from t); +----------+ | COUNT(*) | +----------+ | 10 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.001 sec) obclient [SYS]> select count(*),TEST_SLEEP(5) from (select id,name from t); +----------+---------------+ | COUNT(*) | TEST_SLEEP(5) | +----------+---------------+ | 10 | 1 | +----------+---------------+ 1 row in set (5.131 sec) obclient [SYS]> explain select count(*) from (select id,name,TEST_SLEEP(5) from t); +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Query Plan | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ============================================================= | | |ID|OPERATOR |NAME|EST.ROWS|EST.TIME(us)| | | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | |0 |SCALAR GROUP BY | |1 |5 | | | |1 |└─DISTRIBUTED TABLE FULL SCAN|T |10 |4 | | | ============================================================= | | Outputs & filters: | | ------------------------------------- | | 0 - output([T_FUN_COUNT_SUM(T_FUN_COUNT(*))]), filter(nil), rowset=16 | | group(nil), agg_func([T_FUN_COUNT_SUM(T_FUN_COUNT(*))]) | | 1 - output([T_FUN_COUNT(*)]), filter(nil), rowset=16 | | access(nil), partitions(p0) | | is_index_back=false, is_global_index=false, | | range_key([T.__pk_increment]), range(MIN ; MAX)always true | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 14 rows in set (0.116 sec)
看上去基于posetgresql的GaussDB, Kingbase,Highgo,OpenGauss系都存在该问题,实际上也是和function函数的Volatility属性有关,之前写过一篇《Postgresql 、openGauss系function函数Volatile 属性索引无法使用》,函数的volatile稳定性影响,修改PG系的函数Volatility属性,再次测试.
-- Kingbase kingbase=# \df+ pg_sleep List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Parallel | Owner | Security | Access privileges | Language | Source code | Description ------------+----------+------------------+---------------------+------+------------+----------+--------+----------+-------------------+----------+-------------+----------------------------------------- pg_catalog | pg_sleep | void | double precision | func | volatile | safe | system | invoker | | internal | pg_sleep | sleep for the specified time in seconds (1 row) kingbase=# alter function pg_sleep immutable; ALTER FUNCTION kingbase=# explain (analyze,verbose) select count(*) from (select id,name,pg_sleep(2) from t); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aggregate (cost=21.25..21.26 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.031..0.032 rows=1 loops=1) Output: count(*) -> Seq Scan on public.t (cost=0.00..19.00 rows=900 width=0) (actual time=0.022..0.023 rows=10 loops=1) Output:, Planning Time: 0.175 ms Execution Time: 0.072 ms (6 rows) -- GaussDB anbob=# select version(); version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gaussdb (GaussDB Kernel 505.2.0 build 82d715e8) compiled at 2024-09-20 00:15:22 commit 9967 last mr 19883 release (1 row) anbob=# alter function pg_sleep immutable; ERROR: syntax error at or near "immutable" anbob=# alter function pg_sleep(double precision) immutable; ERROR: function "pg_sleep" is a builtin function,it can not be altered anbob=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_sleep1(double precision) anbob-# RETURNS void anbob-# LANGUAGE internal anbob-# AS $function$pg_sleep$function$; CREATE FUNCTION anbob=# \df+ pg_sleep* List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Owner | Language | Source code | Description | fencedmode | propackage | prokind ------------+-----------+------------------+---------------------+--------+------------+-------+----------+-------------+-----------------------------------------+------------+------------+--------- pg_catalog | pg_sleep | void | double precision | normal | volatile | gauss | internal | pg_sleep | sleep for the specified time in seconds | f | f | f public | pg_sleep1 | void | double precision | normal | volatile | gauss | internal | pg_sleep | | f | f | f (2 rows) anbob=# explain (verbose,analyze) select id from (select id,name,pg_sleep1(5) from t limit 3); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subquery Scan on __unnamed_subquery__ (cost=0.00..0.37 rows=3 width=4) (actual time=5000.555..15001.879 rows=3 loops=1) Output: -> Limit (cost=0.00..0.34 rows=3 width=680) (actual time=5000.552..15001.866 rows=3 loops=1) Output:,, (pg_sleep1(5::double precision)) -> Seq Scan on public.t (cost=0.00..344.50 rows=3 width=680) (actual time=5000.548..15001.855 rows=3 loops=1) Output:,, pg_sleep1(5::double precision) Total runtime: 15002.061 ms (7 rows) anbob=# alter function pg_sleep1(double precision) immutable; ALTER FUNCTION anbob=# explain (verbose,analyze) select id from (select id,name,pg_sleep1(5) from t limit 3); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subquery Scan on __unnamed_subquery__ (cost=0.00..0.37 rows=3 width=4) (actual time=0.037..0.039 rows=3 loops=1) Output: -> Limit (cost=0.00..0.34 rows=3 width=680) (actual time=0.036..0.038 rows=3 loops=1) Output:,, (''::void) -> Seq Scan on public.t (cost=0.00..337.00 rows=3 width=680) (actual time=0.034..0.035 rows=3 loops=1) Output:,, ''::void Total runtime: 0.152 ms (7 rows) -- PostgreSQL postgres=# \df+ pg_sleep List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Parallel | Owner | Security | Access privileges | Language | Internal name | Description ------------+----------+------------------+---------------------+------+------------+----------+----------+----------+-------------------+----------+---------------+----------------------------------------- pg_catalog | pg_sleep | void | double precision | func | volatile | safe | postgres | invoker | | internal | pg_sleep | sleep for the specified time in seconds (1 row) postgres=# alter function pg_sleep immutable; ALTER FUNCTION postgres=# :eabv select name from (select name,num,pg_sleep(2) from tg limit 2); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subquery Scan on unnamed_subquery (cost=0.00..0.05 rows=2 width=14) (actual time=0.012..0.014 rows=2 loops=1) Output: Buffers: shared hit=1 -> Limit (cost=0.00..0.03 rows=2 width=22) (actual time=0.011..0.012 rows=2 loops=1) Output:, NULL::integer, NULL::void Buffers: shared hit=1 -> Seq Scan on (cost=0.00..27.70 rows=1770 width=22) (actual time=0.010..0.010 rows=2 loops=1) Output:, NULL::integer, NULL::void Buffers: shared hit=1 Planning Time: 0.107 ms Execution Time: 0.042 ms (11 rows)
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