首页 » 点滴岁月 » 又到一年春节时




一到过年前这几天,大伙心情相信早已不安分,为买车票愁几天,为年货愁几天,不管有钱没钱,回家都得“散钱”这是80后这代人的通病。我也好几天没有更新技术类文章了,希望大家别见怪,咱年后补上。咱们nice 兔 meet you!


update all_people ap set 财富=财富*2,幸福指数=100% where

exists ( select 1 from anbob.com.db.websurfer   au where au.ip=ap.ip)

and sysdate>=to_date(‘2011-1-1′,’yyyy-mm-dd’);




  1. Gilberto Hallick | #1
    2011-12-21 at 06:24

    I thought Haley had a video shoot? Wait no she skipped that because she had to go home and make soup. Then she uh went on vacation to Utah to watch Julians movie while they had a $50,000 dollar a day music video set ready to shoot her new music video so yeah she is going to balance her music career alright. The one she washed down the toilet by bouncing on her video shoot. Shed be dropped like a rock from any record label for doing that.

  2. Flora | #2
    2011-06-16 at 14:22

    It’s spooky how clever some ppl are. Tanhks!

    • Gytha | #3
      2011-06-22 at 19:32

      You keep it up now, undesrtnad? Really good to know.

      • Biana | #4
        2011-11-12 at 02:49

        Thanks for spending time on the computer (writing) so oehrts don’t have to.

  3. admin | #5
    2011-02-09 at 12:54


    • Christiana | #6
      2011-06-16 at 20:15

      What a joy to find such clear thinking. Thanks for posntig!

      • Norm | #7
        2011-06-22 at 17:23

        Now that’s sulbte! Great to hear from you.

        • Magda | #8
          2011-11-12 at 01:59

          Super jzzaed about getting that know-how.

    • Tambrey | #9
      2011-06-17 at 17:15

      You’re a real deep thinker. Tahkns for sharing.

      • Alyn | #10
        2011-11-11 at 12:04

        You raelly saved my skin with this information. Thanks!

  4. 站长工具 | #11
    2011-02-01 at 17:02


    • Betty | #12
      2011-06-16 at 15:49

      TYVM you’ve sloevd all my problems

    • Carlynda | #13
      2011-06-16 at 19:21

      IMHO you’ve got the right anwser!