首页 » ORACLE 9i-23c » Troubleshooting ORA-01031: Insufficient Privileges issue

Troubleshooting ORA-01031: Insufficient Privileges issue

1, Login in remote instance using sqlplus  as  sys when the target db instance password file not exists or file name is wrong.

2, If you try to execute DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT ,only be called within the package to which it belongs, if not you will get an error, as shown here: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges.

3, Check th sqlnet.ora file AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES

4, The oracle execution file owner or group was wrong.
$which oracle
$ls -l <above output>

5, The oracle or grid OS user group was wrong.
$id oracle

6, Try to login in as sysdba on  ASM 11gr2 ,Starting with 11g release 2, Oracle ASM administration must be done with the SYSASM privilege.

7, Missing privileges,current user do not have sysdba privileges, but try to do some operation requested sysdba role. login as sysdba try again.

8, Have object -level security controls, 1031 trace will show ‘Kzpchkbu’ call stack

9, The logical standby database is in the wrong mode to allow users to make changes to none system protected objects,As sysdba change the status of the standby to protect only the maintained objects:-

10, When a materialized view is created with automatic refresh option in a Logical Standby database,Create a materialized view without automatic refresh feature and periodically
refresh it manually

11, Execute a procedure ,when the user had privileges from a role. add Authid Current_User  to procedure or explicit grant privileges to the user instead of role.

12, Bugs ,i.e. 5974207

13, etc…


